
Here's my latest one... Ibuki. I told ya i'd get to her, Jimmy! you just had to wait... :p
this is a WIP btw.
I figured the best thing to get out of an artist/creative block is some good ol' fashion fan art to the rescue!
I might have already mentioned this but I'm in a Street Fighter Hype!!!
my mind is all Street Fighter these days.
I'm really liking how this one is turning out. I have a full body shot of her but I'll wait till I finish the whole thing for the reveal.
Really starting to get used to the style now.
My approach is very much the same as the Chun li, done in painter and sketched in photoshop.
After looking at the Ibuki, I might wanna do another Chunli later on. Not too happy with how Chun Li's face turned out.
But I'm currently working on a large montage of all the classic Street Fighter Characters... and I mean classic.. CHAMPION EDITION!!! So after I finish that one, I'll continue with more characters. I will be posting a sketch of the montage as soon as I clean the sketch up.
til next time.
keep drawing.