Art Director / Ilustrator / Concept Artist


Edison Yan's sketches and doodles live here :) YAY

Lock's Quest and Ibuki at PAX...

The Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) was this weekend and 5th Cell was showcasing Lock's Quest at the THQ booth, the game we finished not too long ago due for release on September 8th. Here's a shot of the setup.

What's cool about our setup is that you can bring your Nintendo DS there and download a playable demo of Lock's Quest to take home... and many did! lots of great feedback for the game so hopefully that would translate into sales. woohoo! "Bring your DS Down Load Demo Here".

Other highlights included being able to see alot of awesome playable demos, especially Starcraft 2! Left 4 Dead was cool too, got to play it at Valve a week ago. Also got to play WiiMusic and see WarioLand which looked amazing.

Dan Paladin, the artist for Castle Crashers, was a super nice guy. He signed ALL of my Castle Crashers figurines, which i'm very grateful for. I'm Gllad I picked them up because now they are all out of stock!

PAX was the second convention-type thing i've been to since the San Diego Comic Con. It was a bit smaller than what I had expected it to be after going to the San Diego Comic Con, but from what I hear, it's growing every year because E3 closed its doors to the gaming public and went strictly industry exclusive, so gamers who were looking for an opportunity to demo the new up and coming games came to PAX! It was a great turnout and look forward to next year!

On another note, I did see the Street fighter Tribute issue at the Udon Comics' Booth and took a snapshot of my contribution to this wonderful book! it's on Page 284! I was trying to find it at the Capcom booth during the San Diego Comic Con and gave up because it was waaay too crowded and people were in a hurry to buy stuff, so I didn't want to hold up the line. Pax was more laid back and I was able to just stand there and flip through every page of the book. Kinda wish I had my copy now! Here's the snap of my Ibuki from Street fighter III...