first update of 2010....
Long overdue update... The olympics was pretty crazy here in Vancouver. That gold medal Hockey game was super intense. heart stopped for a few seconds towards the end, but am relieved team Canada pulled through! have several projects currently underway... I've been sketchin' alot in my sketchbook and have been lazy to scan my stuff.. but will post some of them here soon.
In light of Scribblenauts 2's announcement this week... here's look at a painting i'm currently working on for fun...planning to hang it in my office once i'm done. not much of an update, but it's a start. need to get back into it.
A side note: Cloudscape has launched the Exploded View anthology on Saturday (yesterday) at the Ayden Gallery in Tinseltown. Great turnout. And will followup with a booth at the Emerald City Con next weekend!
Vancouver Sketchgroup, which I frequent, will also have a booth at ECC! and will feature a compilation sketchbook of the members of VSG. You can also meet some of us there!
Be sure to drop by Cloudscape & the Vancouver SketchGroup booths if you're gonna be at the con!